I quite liked this CATO site that grades states on the transparency of their published numbers on educational expenditures (and not just because the title is a great pun).
Particularly interesting is the evidence on the lack of public knowledge of expenditure levels presented under the "Why Care" tab.
8 years ago
Skimmed through the article. Apart from its intrinsic value, it has two other noteworthy features:
1) An F- :) - that is a first. Don't recall ever having seen it before.
2) Note the positions of Alaska (the 49th state) and Hawaii (the 50th state) on the list!
Unrelated to your current post, here's a tip for a potential future post.
Stunningly bad analysis that is hard to make any sense of. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/innovations/wp/2013/08/29/are-business-schools-graduating-the-wrong-leaders-if-so-the-gmat-may-be-to-blame/ - It is so poorly written that it is giving me a headache reading it again trying to make sense of it. And here's a gem - " Using panel data analysis and other statistical procedures, including robustness tests...." From when did conducting robustness tests become a new statistical procedure ??
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