I heard the best Ann Arbor story from one our graduate students yesterday. For the purposes of the story, let's call the student Lee.
Lee noticed a plastic bag hanging from a tree branch next door. A bit of investigation revealed that a message was written on the bag asking that it not be thrown out. A peek inside the bag revealed what appeared to be a dead rooster.
Lee, thinking something must surely be amiss about all this, called the police. A female police officer arrived, took the bag down, and opened it. Rather than one dead rooster it turned out to contain a set of dead rooster heads. Lee and the police officer threw the bag, and the rooster heads, into a nearby dumpster.
The next day, the neighbor came by to let Lee know that the rooster heads were hers. She wanted them to decompose in the bag so that she could use the skulls in an art project. The neighbor indicated that she considered letting Lee know about them, but then decided not to. Upon hearing Lee's story about calling the police, the neighbor said the same thing happened to a friend of hers who also does art with skulls.
Lee offered to reimburse her neighbor for the skulls (do we have nice gradual students, or what?) but the offer was declined.
Posted with permission.
8 years ago