Saturday, May 25, 2024

Book: Our Strangers by Lydia Davis

 Davis, Lydia. 2023. Our Strangers: Stories. Bookshop Editions.

An unusual but very engaging book of very short to really, really short "fictions". It has the feel of notebook, jumping from topic to topic, sometimes humorous and sometimes somber, and with many of the very short "fictions" consisting of simple observations, such as:


As we pick up the invitation and read it again,

the morning after,

the party still looks like fun,

even though it was not fun.

Not everyone's cup of mead, but I quite enjoyed it and have ordered another of her books.

Note that at the author's insistence, the book is sold only at independent bookstores. I got mine at Paragraphe in Montreal.

Hat tip: Tyler Cowen on Marginal Revolution

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