"Imagine the family as a tree (computer science, not biology), with the common ancestor as the root and only two branches of interest, one leading to each cousin. Assume the two branches have depths X and Y, where X <= Y. The two people are (X-1)th cousins, (Y-X) times removed. For you and Captain Thom X=2 (the distance from you to your grandmother) and Y=3 (he's a generation farther down). You're first (2-1) cousins, once (3-2) removed.That is good to know, and now that it is on the blog I will always know where to find it.
A long pondered but only lately realized blog about economics, politics, evaluation, econometrics, academia, college football and whatever else comes to mind.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Applied relativity (or, what to call your cousin)
My old friend Don answers the question in my post from yesterday about the naming of cousins: