Notre Dame 35, Michigan 17
Six turnovers = loss. I think we knew that already and I think it is going to be a long year because I don't think ND is actually that good.
Oklahohma 55 + the Sonics, Washington 14
I missed most of this due to a senior recruiting dinner (which is about the only thing I will miss Husky games for). In this case, I did not miss much. If you are playing the #3 team you have to be perfect to be in it, and UW was far from perfect in terms of turnovers, missed field goals and all the rest. UW has four unranked teams in a row coming up after its bye week. They probably need to win all four to keep Ty at Montlake.
BYU 59, UCLA 0
This makes UW's one point loss to BYU look a lot better. On the other hand, Oregon nearly lost to Purdue at home - winning only in double overtime - which makes the loss to Oregon look even worse.
Best not to push too much on the transitivity in college football.