Here is the game story from the Ann Arbor News. It indirectly illustrates a lot of the differences in the football culture between Michigan and Washington. Even in UW's heydey in the 80s and early 90s, things never got like they are here in terms of expectations.
Lisa and I went to the game. Here are some notes:
1. It was really hot.
2. Each time I go to the Big House I have more sympathy for the people who want to get rid of the track surrounding the field at Husky stadium.
3. The game was not really as close as the score suggests. Utah went very conservative earlier than they should have and also helped Michigan stay in the game with a lot of foolish penalties.
4. Threet and not Sheridan should be the starting QB.
5. The Utah folks sitting next to us were treated quite nicely by the Michigan fans.
6. I had never sat in this particular part of a football stadium before. We were right in the end zone about 16 rows up. So we were very close to the action when it was at our end and had what seemed more like a "player's-eye" view of the field. That was pretty neat, but I found myself watching the jumbotron when play was at the other end, which is less neat.
7. A student outside the stadium on our way in had a sign that said "Change We Can Believe In" with a big picture of Rich Rodriguez.